And another article in MX (October 2010) shows red onions ability to reduce cholesterol levels.
Heart Attacks
Here are some tips when dealing with a heart attack. Remember that this does not consitute medical advice, but you may consider researching further and using it as part of your heart attack preparation strategy.
1. If you are suffering a heart attack, sqeeze the pinky on your left hand really hard. This is an accupressure point.
2. One of the best things that I have heard in assisting you in the throes of a heart attack is capsaicum and cayenne pepper. One quote I saw on the internet was this:
"In 35 years of practice, and working with the people and teaching, I have never on house calls lost one heart attach patient and the reason is, whenever I go in, if they are still breathing, I pour down them a cup of cayenne tea (teaspoon of cayenne in a cup of hot water), and within minutes they are up and around)." Dr. Christopher
See www.shirleys-wellness-cafe.com/cayenne.
Heart Attack Prevention
Take a daily dose of co-q10. This miracle nutrient is called the heart nutrient. With low levels of Q10, your heart becomes very susceptible to heart disease. Take CoEnzymeQ10 daily to ward of disease and heart attacks. Remember there are two forms of CoEnzymeQ10. Older people should take the lesser known form of ubiquinol. Young people should be able to well absorb the more commonly available form known as ubiquinone.
Take magnesium. This can work wonders for the heart and resolve a number of heart related issues. If you take magnesium, make sure you also take potassium. It has been said that magnesium is best absorbed topically. This one has also personally worked for me.
Take english hawthorn berry. This can reduce stress on the heart when you are going through a high stress period. If you are unable to sleep and your heart feels heavy, try taking this every night in a glass of water before going to bed. Another remedy that has personally worked for me.
Look into a tapping technique called EFT. This is touted by Mercola as excellent for relieving stress, reaching goals, removing negative emotions, and so forth. See mercola.com for more information.
Adaptogens are some of the best herbs for relieving stress levels. If you are highly stressed ad cannot seem to get any sleep due to stress, try taking these on a daily basis.
The Stress Hormone
Having heart problems? Heart problems and many other problems can result from a highly stressed system!
The human body is meant to be stressed over short periods of time. This is a fight or flight reaction. Once the danger is over, your body stops producing extra hormones and goes back to normal. When you are stressed, your adrenal glands produce a hormone called cortisol. The production of this hormone increases blood sugar levels and depresses the immune system. Not only this but it lowers bone formation and replaces potassium with sodium ions. This can make one more susceptible to osteoperosis.
The heart
After long periods of nutritional neglect or stress, the heart can be significantly weakened and a condition created where one becomes susceptible to heart disease.
Watermelon is a heart healthy fruit. It contains the amino acid L- citrulline; closely related to L-arginine, which is essential for forming the nitric oxide that keeps blood pressure at a healthy level. L-citrulline is actually converted into L-arginine in the body. Watermelon also contains vitamins A, B6, and C, fiber, potassium, lycopene (which aids in maintaining healthy blood pressure) and watermelon is also known to help stabilise blood sugar.
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