28 August 2010
Remedies: Diabetes
I have never had diabetes however my nanna had type 1 diabetes and I know a few family members also with type 1 diabetes. Apparently the conventional consensus going around is that there is no cure to diabetes. Some who have apparently managed to cure the condition would beg to differ however. This page is related to news and information I find in regards to diabetes. I have not tested any remedies on this page and do not consider myself an authority on the subject.
Study shows white rice increases risk of diabetes by up to 17%
See http://www.nih.gov/researchmatters/june2010/06282010diabetes.htm.
In a paper published on June 14, 2010, in the Archives of Internal Medicine,it was shown that eating white rice at least 5 times a week increased risk of diabetes type 2 by 17%. Eating brown rice however decreased risk of diabetes type 2 by 16%. Therefore by replacing your white rice with brown rice could reduce your risk by around 33%! This is as good a reason as any to change your diet!
Research has shown that water soluble cinnamon can decrease glucose levels i nthe body as well as oxidative stress. See http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2010-08/usdo-rsc082410.php for the details of research performed on this.
"The study demonstrated that the water-soluble cinnamon extract improved a number of antioxidant variables by as much as 13 to 23 percent, and improvement in antioxidant status was correlated with decreases in fasting glucose, according to Anderson."
Water soluble cinnamon are the components of cinnamon that are soluble in water. The more toxic components of cinnamon tend to be not soluble in water. Therefore it is recommended to soak cinnamon in water, strain it out, and then use the "cinnamon water".
Chromium is an essential trace mineral that stimulates the enzymes involved in glucose metabolism, which keeps blood-sugar levels in check. Chromium Picolinate may reduce the risk of insulin resistance and therefore reduce the risk of type II diabetes. This is backed by a significant number of studies.
Remedies: Brain, memory, ADHD, autism, alzheimers and learning disorders
I do not have and neither has anyone close to me (as far as I know) experienced ADHD, autism or significant learning disorders. The below information is based on testimonies given by friends, on the Internet, by alternate health doctors who have personally acheived healing in a number patients, by scientific studies, and other means not listed above. I am providing this information as-is, and not as an authoritative source on the subject. I do however consider personal testimonies to be more powerful proof of remedies than scientific studies that are often poorly conducted and/or interpreted based in the desired outcome of the study.
Preservative and additive free diet
According to http://www.fedupwithfoodadditives.info/newsletters/FAILsaf38.htm, a study was conducted on national TV in Britain that showed removal of preservatives and additives in food saw an improvement in up to 60% of children in a class of 6 year olds. Additives are quite obviously a big concern that is ignored by most food companies who have no problem adding them to their foods.
The http://www.fedupwithfoodadditives.info/ website contains many testimonials from parents who attest to the effectiveness of the failsafe diet. The failsafe diet can be tricky to follow however. According to the website if you make just one mistake then you may not see an improvement.
The website also contains a faq sheet at for more information. See http://www.fedupwithfoodadditives.info/factsheets/Factautism.htm for more details.
Note: The fail-safe diet is a low-chemical elimination diet recommended by the Australian Royal Prince Alfred Hospital - free of additives, low in salicylates, amines and flavour enhancers - for health, behaviour and learning problems.
Environmental causes of autism - Osteopathic Center
The website http://www.osteopathiccenter.org/autism.html states autism cases as rising 1000% in the last 10 years which is quite staggering. As the website states, the underlying causes of autism are possibly quite wide ranging. Some of the examples given are:
- Xenobiotics - which are chemicals that are foreign to the natural environment. These can include Polychlorinated Biphenels (PCB's), pesticides, insecticides, sodium lauryl sulfate, and heavy metals. These can be found in water supplies and the human body.
- Mercury and aluminium which can be found in vaccines. In 2001 the law firm of Waters & Kraus acquired a confidential report authored by the Centers for Disease Control. The CDC scientists investigated autism as a potential neurological injury caused by mercury in childhood vaccines.
The confidential study demonstrated that an exposure to more than 62.5 micro grams of mercury within the first three months of life significantly increases a child's risk of developing autism. Children with the exposure were more than twice as likely to develop autism as children not exposed. Aluminium is also a known neurotoxin. - Caesarian section deliveries and birth complications and birth trauma
- Diet
- Highly elevated arsenic levels
Environmental toxins
As stated previously, environmental toxins are considered as a major contributor to autism and ADHD. I don't pretend to have the answers for these and related symtomatic issues, however it can be reasonable to assume these toxins will worsen the symptoms somewhat.
Following is a list of issues that I think may potentially worsen symptoms: -
- EMF is produced by electricity and electrix equipment. This means you can be affected by EMF from power lines, wires running through your house, or your alarm clock. If you have symptoms from exposure to EMF, you may have EHS (Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity). See why your inner-spring mattress could be a strong source of EMF - http://emf.mercola.com/sites/emf/archive/2010/08/18/your-box-spring-mattress-could-be-acting-as-a-gigantic-cancercausing-radiation-antenna.aspx. Using a latex bed or even a wool or cotton bed with no metal is a good idea. Latex beds are probably the best for providing good support. An example is http://www.latexbeddingco.com.au who I am not affiliated with.
- Industrial pollutants which are discarded or find their way into our soils and water supplies, and end up in our food and water.
- Flouride in our water supplies which is often an industrial waste product rather than a naturally sourced flouride. Read about flouride at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fluoride. Very little flouride has to find its way into your system to cause sickness and even death. I have read testimonials of those who become sick from consuming too much flouridated water. Flouride is a toxin as far as I can tell and the combined sources of toothpaste, flouridated water, tea and others can cause advanced flourosis, especially in individuals who drink a lot of tea with high flouride levels. I am not sure if flouride is a contributing factor to autism all by itself; but flouride bonds easily with aluminium and carries it across the blood-brain barrier where aluminium acts as a potent neurotoxin. Adding flouride to the water supply is a dubious act at best and is essentially mass medication which I find to be quite unethical. I believe tea plants also draw both flouride and aluminium from the soil, and so can become a large source of both of these elements. So the recommendation with tea is to drink tea from younger leaves such as green and white tea.
- Drugs which people take whether knowingly or not. When people consume drugs, much of it leaves the system through the sewage systems and enters our oceans and water supplies. BPA has been found in significant concentrations in the environment sadly. It is also found at considerable levels in the human body Science has found recently that many of these toxins can make their way from the mother and into unborn babies.
Possible Solutions
Where high levels of heavy metals have been detected in someone with autism or learning difficulties, going through chelation to bring down those levels has been able to reverse autism in a number of individuals, according to many testimonials I have read on the Internet including previously mentioned web links that have been given on this page.
An answer from one of my favourite doctors - Dr. Jonathan V. WrightThis is a short word on autism by an MD who has been healing people for many decades.
Q: My two-year-old grandson was just diagnosed with autism. I have no idea where to even begin looking for information on its cause and treatments -- would you point me in the right direction?
Dr. Wright: Something causes autism -- whether it's a genetic factor or environmental one, there must be an underlying reason for each case. But since those underlying causes are all unknown, the disease is virtually impossible to treat. However, more evidence is pointing to the link between autism and heavy metal toxicity -- particularly mercury.
In 2006, a group of researchers took urine samples from hundreds of children and discovered that the ones with autism had much higher levels of a family of proteins called porphyrins. Porphyrin metabolites bind to receptors in the brain and have been linked with both epilepsy and autism. Heavy metals, including mercury, cause the production of abnormally high levels of porphyrins.
If heavy metal toxicity is responsible for some of the cases of childhood autism, chelation therapy could be a worthwhile solution. This hasn't been tested or proven in a controlled study at this point, but there have been individuals who have tried it and have had good results.
I suggest contacting a physician skilled and knowledgeable in natural medicine to get your grandson tested for heavy metal toxicity. A blood test or a hair analysis won't be sufficient, so make sure the doctor does a chelation test. To find a doctor in your area, contact the American College for Advancement in Medicine at (800)532-3688 or www.acam.org.
ADHD and Krill Oil
A clinical study of boys who were aged from 7 to 11 and suffering from ADHD; revealed that krill oil may play a role in improving the symptoms of ADHD. The boys took a krill oil supplement every day for 90 days, and clinical symptoms /EEG readings all showed improvement
Alzheimers and Tumeric
Tumeric has been shown to prevent the onset of alzheimers as well as the ability to cure it. This as well as a number of other diseases such as osteoarthritis and cancer. See http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/special-turmeric-extract-benefits-osteoarthritis-patients-102967864.html for more details.
Memory Problems and Vitamin B
Research at Oxford University was recently performed that showed daily supplementation with high doses of certain B vitamins can cut the rate of brain shrinkage in half for older people who have mild memory problems.
Folic acid, B6 and B12. These are known to control levels of homocysteine, high levels of which are associated with an increased risk of Alzheimer's.
Over the course of the 2-year study, 168 volunteers over 70 years old took either a high-dose vitamin B complex or a placebo tablet every day. People with the highest levels of homocysteine showed the most benefit from the Bs. Overall, those taking the B vitamins showed a brain-shrinkage rate that was half that of people taking the placebo.
Researchers also conducted memory tests that confirmed stronger scores were related to slower brain shrinkage.
Supplementation with Vinpocetine has been shown to assist with "fixing" brain disorders. This can be purchased in supplement form (see
http://www.biovea-australia.com/(S(mf5nc2u5y45o3jvg3aeumcad))/product_detail.aspx?PID=1746) or tea form. Vinpocetine is found within the leaves of the common periwinkle plant.
22 August 2010
Remedies: Asthma
I have never had asthma. So I can testify that I do not know personally what works and what doesn't. All information here is based on a testimony of a friend, a testimony on the Internet, based on a scientific study, published in a newspaper, noted by a trusted doctor in alternate health, or other means not listed above. Always research therapies before you try them.
Possible Solutions
Wild cherry bark tea. It has been reported that some have completely stopped experiencing asthma attacks after taking this daily. It is supposedly also good for coughs and bronchitis.
Go on a preservative free diet. A preservative - antioxidant 320 or BHA has been noted on the website http://www.fedupwithfoodadditives.info to be a cause of asthma in many people. They note testimonies from individuals who removed this additive from their diet and had the asthma symptoms also disappear. Note that this is based on the failsafe diet which can be tricky to follow. According to the website if you make just one mistake and take a preservative that was not intended, you may not receive an improvement.
Note: The fail-safe diet is a low-chemical elimination diet recommended by the Australian Royal Prince Alfred Hospital - free of additives, low in salicylates, amines and flavour enhancers - for health, behaviour and learning problems.
Remedies: Washing vegetables and fruit
Remedies: Stomach acid reflux and heartburn
I have not to my knowledge had an issue with stomach acid levels. I also do not consider myself an authority on the subject.
So what is acid reflux and heart burn
An authority on the subject however is Jonathan V. Wright MD who has written some books on the subject. Read http://www.tahomaclinic.com/heartburn.shtml for some information on the subject. Also read the book that Jonathan has written on the subject called "Your Stomach -What is really making you miserable and what to do about it".
A suggested remedy from the Internet
If you are suffering low stomach acid levels, take a HCL supplement, or create your own HCL by mixing lemon/lime juice/or apple cider vinegar with magnesium chloride/salt, and a protein meal. The food acid reacts with the magnesium chloride to form hydrochloric acid and magnesium citrate. This helps activate digestive enzymes and provide acidity in the stomach. Use one teaspoon of lemon or lime juice (or less of cider vinegar) to half a teaspoon of magnesium chloride in cold water.
Further stimulate the digestion by taking bitters following a meal.
Remedies: Teeth and Gums
A good place to start is by reading at http://mizar5.com http://mizar5.com/3things.html http://mizar5.com/mothring.htm and http://mizar5.com/keyes.html
Over a night time, bacteria can become active and multiple in the oral region. To prevent the bacteria from causing damage over this 8 hour period, Rinse xylatol around your mouth each night before going to bed. Rinsing xylatol through the mouth and teeth can also help ro relieve a toothache.
Cleaning protocol
Floss. Seriously. This gets rid of items that may get stuck between teeth which may cause disease in the gums. Flossing around the gums can also decrease plaque buildup around the base of the teeth.
Take a toothpick and chew a bit on one of the pointed ends until it's soft and no longer sharp. Then take that point and trace around all your gums so that you gently push back the gums as you trace them. Do this once a day. This helps remove excess bacteria from just under the gums at the base of the teeth.
Gingivitus and gum problems
If you have receding gums or gingivitus try opening a capsule of CoQ10 each day and brushing your teeth with it.
Try gargling with 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide and some water.
If you have a cavity and teeth hurting
Use colloidal silver or xylatol to kill the bacteria. I found making sure you swish xylatol around you mouth before you go to bed sets you up for the night, and you may wake up in the morning with the hurtin gone.
Add mineral and nutrient dense foods to your diet. Also add silica and MSM.
Dip your brush into some 3% hydrogen peroxide and brush your teeth. Over time this will remove the stains and whiten your teeth.
A toothpaste recipe
1/2 teaspoon sodium bicarbonate.
A few drops of 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide.
1/2 teaspoon xylatol
I am still trying to find a substitute for sodium bicarbonate.
Freshen the mouth
Chew gum leaves! These have a pleasant aroma and also provide antibacterial properties.\
The Toothbrush Tree
This is a natural tree that is popular in South Africa for cleaning teeth. It is recognised for having a number of properties that may help protecting teeth. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salvadora_persica for more details.
Remedies: kidney stones
Remedies: Pain and aches and suffering
Almonds are known as the aspirin nut. They contain salicylates which is the same pain relieving ingredient in aspirin. Take 10 or 15 almonds if you are in pain and they may help you feel better!
Tart Cherries
Cherries - these are well known for their pain reducing abilities and I believe there are studies supporting it too. They contain a strong anti-inflammatory.
Raisins and Gin
Soaking sulphured raisins in gin. This really didn't do anything noticeable for me.
Green Lipped Mussel Powder
Green-lipped mussel powder is a great anti-inflammatory ground from the green lipped mussels of New Zealand. If taken consistently over a number of months. I recommend this for long term pain such as neck and back pain. This works very well for me personally when taken consistently (every single day) for a very long period of time.
Digestive enzymes
Enzymes - when taken apart from food - act as an anti-inflammatory. I take one of these capsules every single day. When you take with food, it will also assist with digestion.
Lemon rind
If you have a headache then rub lemon rind on your temples and tie a cloth on your head.
Thyme and Rosemary Oil
Thyme and rosemary oil may be rubbed on the temples if you are getting a headache.
Ginger is used in Asia to treat joint pain, cols, indigestion, and muscle pain including osteoarthritis. Ginger is an anti-inflammatory. Use a ginger compress on painful areas, or make ginger tea, or even just eat it raw. Note that ginger is a blood thinner.
Fish oil
Omega 3 is an anti-inflammatory of sorts. Take squid which is very high in DHA and combine with krill oil which is great at getting into your cells.
Use chamomile tea topically to assist in wound healing, and also relieve itching and rashes.
Remedies: Cholesterol
Avocado - can lower your cholesterol by up to 42%. This is due to the content of Omega-9 fatty acids and a compound called beta-sitosterol.
Dr. Mercola's view on cholesterol is at the link below.
Remedies: Heart, Heart Attacks and stress

And another article in MX (October 2010) shows red onions ability to reduce cholesterol levels.
Heart Attacks
Here are some tips when dealing with a heart attack. Remember that this does not consitute medical advice, but you may consider researching further and using it as part of your heart attack preparation strategy.
1. If you are suffering a heart attack, sqeeze the pinky on your left hand really hard. This is an accupressure point.
2. One of the best things that I have heard in assisting you in the throes of a heart attack is capsaicum and cayenne pepper. One quote I saw on the internet was this:
"In 35 years of practice, and working with the people and teaching, I have never on house calls lost one heart attach patient and the reason is, whenever I go in, if they are still breathing, I pour down them a cup of cayenne tea (teaspoon of cayenne in a cup of hot water), and within minutes they are up and around)." Dr. Christopher
See www.shirleys-wellness-cafe.com/cayenne.
Heart Attack Prevention
Take a daily dose of co-q10. This miracle nutrient is called the heart nutrient. With low levels of Q10, your heart becomes very susceptible to heart disease. Take CoEnzymeQ10 daily to ward of disease and heart attacks. Remember there are two forms of CoEnzymeQ10. Older people should take the lesser known form of ubiquinol. Young people should be able to well absorb the more commonly available form known as ubiquinone.
Take magnesium. This can work wonders for the heart and resolve a number of heart related issues. If you take magnesium, make sure you also take potassium. It has been said that magnesium is best absorbed topically. This one has also personally worked for me.
Take english hawthorn berry. This can reduce stress on the heart when you are going through a high stress period. If you are unable to sleep and your heart feels heavy, try taking this every night in a glass of water before going to bed. Another remedy that has personally worked for me.
Look into a tapping technique called EFT. This is touted by Mercola as excellent for relieving stress, reaching goals, removing negative emotions, and so forth. See mercola.com for more information.
Adaptogens are some of the best herbs for relieving stress levels. If you are highly stressed ad cannot seem to get any sleep due to stress, try taking these on a daily basis.
The Stress Hormone
Having heart problems? Heart problems and many other problems can result from a highly stressed system!
The human body is meant to be stressed over short periods of time. This is a fight or flight reaction. Once the danger is over, your body stops producing extra hormones and goes back to normal. When you are stressed, your adrenal glands produce a hormone called cortisol. The production of this hormone increases blood sugar levels and depresses the immune system. Not only this but it lowers bone formation and replaces potassium with sodium ions. This can make one more susceptible to osteoperosis.
The heart
After long periods of nutritional neglect or stress, the heart can be significantly weakened and a condition created where one becomes susceptible to heart disease.
Watermelon is a heart healthy fruit. It contains the amino acid L- citrulline; closely related to L-arginine, which is essential for forming the nitric oxide that keeps blood pressure at a healthy level. L-citrulline is actually converted into L-arginine in the body. Watermelon also contains vitamins A, B6, and C, fiber, potassium, lycopene (which aids in maintaining healthy blood pressure) and watermelon is also known to help stabilise blood sugar.