Hydrogen Peroxide is like water with an extra oxygen atom. Water is H2O whereas Hydrogen Peroxide is H2O2. When UV light strikes oxygen (O2) high in the atmosphere, it creates ozone (O3). Ozone is heavier than air and so falls to a lower atmospheric level. It passes through rain clouds. When the ozone passes through the rain clouds, it creates H2O2. Therefore, rain water has a high content of hydogen peroxide.
There are multiple grades of H2O2, but make sure you always use food grade. This is generally available in 3% and 35% solutions. 35% solutions should always be highly diluted. The safest option is to only keep 3% H2O2 in the house, and keep it out of reach of kids!
There are multiple theories on the safety of ingesting H2O2. There are many testimonials on the Internet of those who ingest it in a certain manner (highly diluted in double distilled water) and claim to have not had a flu for many years, there are also those who suggest the extra oxygen atom may react with other chemicals and it is not worth the risk. So I will not be listing any uses that require ingesting or intraveneously administering H2O2.
Here are some facts about hydrogen peroxide:
Hydrogen peroxide is produced inside the human body.
Hydrogen peroxide is very high in colostrum
Following is the list of all the uses that I have found on the Internet for food grade H2O2. In each case, dilution should ideally be performed with distilled and chlorine free water.
Vegetable wash: Add 1/2 cup of 3% H2O2 to a full sink of cold water. Wash your vegetables in it.
Cuts and Abrasions: Spray 3% H2O2 on open sores and they heal faster.
Mouthwash and Toothpaste: Use 3% H2O2 to spray in your mouth. Brush your teeth with it. Rinse with water.
To Freshen Your Kitchen: Keep a spray bottle of 3% in the kitchen. Use it to wipe off counter tops and appliances. It will disinfect and give the kitchen a fresh smell.
In The Dishwasher: Add 2 oz. of 3% H2O2 to your regular washing formula.
Sprouting Seeds: Add 1 oz. 3% H2O2 to 1 pint of water and soak the seeds overnight. Add the same amount of H2O2 each time you rinse the seeds.
House and Garden Plants: Put 1 oz. 3% H2O2 in 1 quart water. Water or mist plants with this solution.
Humidifiers and Steamers: Mix 1 pint 3% H2O2 to 1 gallon of water.
Laundry: Add 8 oz. of 3% H2O2 to your wash in place of bleach.
Shower: Keep 3% H2O2 spray in the shower. Spray your body after washing to replace the acid mantle on your skin that soap removes.
Facial: Use 3% H2O2 as a spray facial freshener after washing. Keep eyes closed. Gently exfoliate skin.
Pets: For small animals (dogs & cats) add 1 oz. 3% H2O2 to 1 qt. of their drinking water. See their health improve.
Feet problems: Use a cup of 3 % H2O2 in a foot bath for athletes foot, bunions, corns, plantar warts and general foot health. This also apparently helps with circulation and according to one website may provide relief for diabetics.
Bath: Add a few cups of 3% H2O2 to a bath to soak. The bath water should be chlorine free.
Flu prevention: Apparently a doctor called Richard Simmons hypothesized in 1928 that colds and flu viruses enter through the ear canal. Putting 2 to 4 drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide in each ear a first sign of infection may shorten the duration of the flu. This will cause a bubbling in the ear. Using a cotton swab with 3% H2O2 may also work. I havent been willing to try this out yet. The thought of putting this in my ears is quite uncomfortable.
Deoderant: Rub 3% H2O2 on your armpits using a cotton swab.
Mouthwash*: Gargle with 3% food grade H2O2. This can support healthy gums and also whiten your teeth. You might notice that a number of toothpastes in the supermarket contain "peroxide". One website suggests adding chlorophyll to increase effectiveness.
Nasal Spray: Use a tablespoon of 3% food grade H2O2 with 1 cup of distilled water as a nasal spray. This clears the sinuses. This may need to be further diluted as required.
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