This is my documentation of what I consider to be false advertising.
Monster Noodles
Now you can see that this product is apparently approved by some "Healthy School Canteen" group so you would think this is a nice healthy product for your kid to be eating. See picture below: -

I will let you be the judge but this product contains a number of flavour enhancers which I certainly wouldn't be placing on my healthy list. In fact this is on my own personal list of no-no foods.
Corporate Lies by the Food Lobby Groups (Australia is no different to US)
I dont agree with everything they say in this article (like the fanciful statement quoted that most aussies are already getting enough nutrients in their food) but it makes some good mention of the issues that I know already plague the US, and according to this article also Australia. Not that I am surprised! It would be naive to think that it does not affect the food industry in every single country in the world.
There is one statement here that emphasises the biggest issue today in marketing of food products and why consumers often believe the lies that come from the food lobbyists and marketing campaigns.
"Webs of influence criss-cross industry-funded food bodies, universities and government-backed food regulators. It is not unusual for people to work for all three simultaneously."
Further in the article it discusses provision of a "traffic light" labelling system to tell you how healthy the food is. I don't agree with the "traffic light" labelling answer myself - a watermelon has a lot of sugar content yet it is not bad for you - would such a system give watermelon a red light?? As one group put it: -
"...that traffic-light labelling ''misleads'' consumers, telling them to ''stop'' eating foods such as dairy that may be high in fat, but can still be part of a healthy diet"
Anyway - if you want to know a bit about how we are deceived into thinking foods such as canola and soy and many others are healthy while coconut and eggs are considered "bad" - read the article...
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